Eppley Institute for Cancer Research

University of Nebraska Medical Center

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Image Decoder API

Each image decoder module will occupy its own dll.  The functions must be named as indicated and compiled with the standard "C" calling convention and exported.  __declspec(dllexport) is how borland builder determines if a function is exported by a DLL file.  The functions that return void pointers should be pointers to objects that can be type cast as imgbaseclass


extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)  int stopimage(void);

Function is called before the library is removed from memory on program exit.  Used to clean up memory used to keep track of open images.

extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)  int initimage(void);

Function is called when the library is loaded into memory.  Used to initialize memory to keep track of open images.

extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)  void* newimage(char* ImageName, UINT32 XPixels, UINT32 YPixels, UINT32 BitDepth);

Function is called when a new image needs to be created from scratch.   It should return a pointer to an object descending from type imgbaseclass.

extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)  void* openimage(char* ImageName);

Function is called to open the image ImageName.  It should return a pointer to an object descending from type imgbaseclass.

extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)  void* deleteimage(void* AnImagePointer);

Function is called to delete an image from memory.  Should return null if successful.

extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)  UINT32 testimage(char* ImageName);

Test if ImageName is this type of image.  Return 1 for yes and 0 for no.

extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)  char* dlldescription(void);

Function that returns a string that describes the dll.  For image module should return "Ripple:Image"

extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)  char* image_extensions(void);

Function that returns a string that describes image extenstions valid for this type of image.  Example: "*.img"

extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)  extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)  char* image_description(void);

Function that returns a string that describes image type.  Example: "ADSC Detectors"


class imgbaseclass (All virtual functions must be overridden in descendent classes)





UINT16* pixels;

Pointer to the array holding the pixels.  Pixels should be stored in by rows.

virtual int open(const AnsiString& FileName,int HeaderOnly=0, const TRect& = TRect(0,0,0,0))=0;

Function open a file and returns 1 if successful.  It must be defined in a descendent class.  If an optional TRect is specified it will only return a piece of the image.

virtual int save()=0;

Function to save this image back to its file.  This function is not used by Ripple and can just return 0 in the descendent class.

virtual int saveas(const AnsiString& FileAndPath)=0;

Save this image as a different name.  Currently not used by ripple.

virtual int set(const AnsiString& Name, const AnsiString& Value)=0;

Used to set new items in the header.  Not used by Ripple.  For future expansion.

const AnsiString get(const AnsiString& Name);

Return the value of header key by name.

TStringList * properties();

Pointer to a string list of header keys.

TStringList * values();

Pointer to a string list of header values.

double max();

Return the maximum value of intensity values.

double min();

Return the minimum value of intensity values.

double avg();

Return the average of all intensity values.

double stdev();

Return the standard deviation of all intensity values.

UINT32 top();

Return the top of the image (typically 0) in pixels.

UINT32 left();

Return the left edge of the image (typically 0) in pixels.

UINT32 width();

Return the width of the image in pixels.

UINT32 height();

Return the height of the image in pixels.

UINT32 bitsperpixel();

Return the bits per pixel.  Used to calculate the maximum possible value.

UINT32 bytesperpixel();

Return the bytes per pixel.  Used to calculate the size of the pixels array.

virtual UINT32 resize(UINT32 NewX, UINT32 NewY)=0;

Function to allow resizing of an image for storage in a different format.  Currently not used by Ripple.

virtual int pixel(int X, int Y);

Return a pixel by X and Y location.

double osc_start();

Return the starting oscillation angle for this image.

double osc_width();

Return the oscillation width.  (0 for stills)

double osc_time();

Return the exposure time in seconds.

double pixel_size_x_um();

Return the X Pixel Size in microns.

double pixel_size_y_um();

Return the Y Pixel Size in microns.


AnsiString INTFileName;    -    Stores the file name
AnsiString INTPath;    -    Stores the path to the file
double INTmax;    -    Stores the maximum intensity
double INTmin;    -    Stores the minimum intensity
double INTavg;    -    Stores the average intensity
double INTstdev;    -    Stores the standard deviation
double INTosc_start;    -     Stores the starting angle
double INTosc_width;    -    Stores the width   
double INTosc_time;    -    Stores the exposure time
double INTpixel_size_x_um;    -    Stores the size in microns
double INTpixel_size_y_um;    -    Stores the size in microns
UINT32 INTbitsperpixel;    -    Store the bits per pixel
UINT32 INTbytesperpixel;    -    Stores the bytes per pixel
TRect INTPixelLimits;    -    Stores the image limits
TStringList * INTValues;    -    Stores header values
TStringList * INTProperties;    -    Stores header properties
