Eppley Institute for Cancer Research

University of Nebraska Medical Center

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Common Mistakes

Using the wrong Beam Center


It is very common for users to enter the wrong Beam Center because different applications uses different standards to define the Beam Center.


In the project settings dialog box make sure to enter the Beam Center in MOSFLM coordinates.  MOSFLM coordinates are in mm.  If the Beam Center looks right when it is overlaid on the detector image than it has most likely been entered correctly.

Collection of Coarse Images


Some times a user will collect a fine data set and forget to collect a few coarse images that over lap the fine data set.  The coarse images are required to generate an orientation matrix so that reflection locations can be identified.  Typical fine images only have a couple reflections which cannot be used in the auto indexing routine to generate an accurate orientation matrix.


Currently there is no way to generate an image from the fine image set that BEAM-ish would be able to integrate.  Unless a suitable fine image can be found containing several reflections then it will be impossible to assign reflection locations and perform the fine phi integration.

Forgetting to set the mid angle for HALFSLICE


The user has forgotten to set the proper mid angle for the data set on the HALFSLICE page in the projects settings.  This will most likely result in HALFSLICE producing no profiles.


Make sure to set the mid angle.  The easiest way is to open the mid detector image and get the information from the image header.  BEAM-ish outputs all of the image header information to the command window when a new image is opened.

Project is not created as expected


The user did not include a directory name in front of the project name or the directory name was started with a "/".


Always browse to the directory were the project should be created or the directory where a new directory should be created and a project opened within.  If the directory where the project should be stored already exists and the user has browsed to that location simply enter the name of the project.  If the directory does not exist and the user has browsed location where the new directory should be created then enter "newProjectDirectory/newProjectName" to first create the directory newProjectDirectory and secondly to create a file newProjectName.prj in that directory.

Number of Fine images is limited to 1000


The number of images that can be collected by the ADSC software is limited to 1000.  If you enter a value higher than that the software will assign funny names to your files. Additionally, HALFSLICE (an ADSC product) can only integrate sets that contain up to 1000 images.


Never collect more than 1000 images for a fine set.  It is possible to process the more than 1000 images by dividing the fine set and making several runs with HALFSLICE.  BEAM-ish can renumber the image sequence to make sense out of the names assigned by the ADSC control software.

All images should be kept in the same directory


Beamish cannot find the course images or HALFSLICE cannot find the fine images or no images appear when I move the slider bar.


Make sure all of the images fine and course are in the same directory and labeled in a consistent manner.

HALFSLICE complains about missing images


HALFSLICE must have all images from the start to the end index in order to work properly.  If an image is missing in the middle of the sequence then HALFSLICE will exit without producing profiles.


BEAM-ish detects this condition and writes information into a file called the missing image list which should be used by the user to provide links or copies of images that are close to those that are missing.  Durring processing the missing images will actually be removed from the calculation.